The Most and Least Common Birthday Date

Which is the most and least common date of birth in the world, and what makes them unique? Find out here.

The Most and Least Common Birthday Date

Our birth dates are days when we feel special and unique because it is such days when we get complete attention and adoration from our families and loved ones. No one around us gets this same kind of attention, as everyone usually has their own birthdate to celebrate, the uniqueness of which makes us feel more loved. However, occasionally we come across a peer, or a colleague or a distant relative, or even just a stranger who may share the same birth date as us. This makes us wonder how many people really share the same birthdate as us.

Well, the answer to this question is a difficult one. At the rate at which our population grows, you probably share your birthday with thousands of people every year. While many babies are coming into the world, several people also lose their lives every day. Which makes it difficult to precisely tell how many people you share your birthday with. However, what we can tell you is if you are likely to share your birthday with many people or only a few.

The most common Birth Date

  • The most common birthdate in the world is the 9th of September.
  • However, if you weren’t born on this date but the same month, don’t be disappointed as you still share your birthday with thousands of other people.
  • This is because the month of September is the month carrying the greatest number of birthdates. It is usually mid of September where the maximum number of birth dates lie.
  • The most common birthdays after September 9th are 19, 12, and 17.

Why does September have the greatest number of birthdays?

  • While many may think that September being the month carrying the maximum number of birthdays may just be a coincidence, it is not true.
  • The reason being, September is a month where the weather conditions are warm, which are optimum conditions for a baby to be born and to survive, hence, people prefer giving birth in this month and plan accordingly.

The least common Birth Date

  • The least common birthdate in the world is the 1st of January followed by the 24th and the 25th of December.
  • Thus, the months of December, January, and February are months that are least common when it comes to birthdays.

Why do December, January and February have the least number of birthdays?

  • These three months are the coldest in most countries, where temperatures fall drastically. Although moving outside your house is possible, it is not recommended especially for children.
  • It is because of the cold winters that people avoid having children in December, January, and February.

If you are someone whose birthdate falls on any of these birthdays, Congratulations!!!!!! However, if you are someone whose birthday is nowhere near these dates or months, do not sulk, it’s okay, you have fewer people to share your birthday with, which means, all the more love for you.